Linkedin Lead Generation Blog

Extend your knowledge with these tips, tricks and insights geared to help you reach your business goals.

Linkedin Lead Generation Blog

Extend your knowledge with these tips, tricks and insights geared to help you reach your business goals.

Influencer Strategy on LinkedIn influencer linkedin strategy Jul 23, 2024

Struggling to cut through the noise and be heard on LinkedIn? Imagine having industry leaders who your ideal audience follows amplify your voice, bringing your content straight to your ideal audience. That's the power of an effective influencer strategy.

But what we’re talking about here is...

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If Your Company’s Message Is The Same As Others in the Ecosystem You’re A Commodity branding marketing sales May 06, 2024

“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.”
― P.T. Barnum

Echo Chamber Differentiator

Candyce told me a story about a recent encounter at this year’s Directions conference. She asked an attendee, “What’s your company’s differentiator?” He...

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Bots in Sales: Helping, Not Replacing Human Connection ai sales strategies human-to-human framework linkedin automation prospecting sales Apr 26, 2024

Bot-Topia: Dream or Nightmare in Sales?

Imagine a world of bots calling bots. Bots emailing bots. Bots commenting on bot-generated posts. Bots pitch-slapping bots.

Bots, bots, bots, bots, bots...

Is this the "utopia" of fully automated AI sales assistants!?

Sure, automating tasks helps to...

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LinkedIn Verification: Should You Get That Little Gray Shield? linkedin linkedintips no bots Feb 20, 2024

The LinkedIn Verification Conversation

LinkedIn has rolled out a new identity verification system, sparking discussions among professionals about its implications. A conversation between LinkedIn experts Gillian Whitney and John Experian provided insights into the benefits and potential concerns...

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How to Consistently Write Posts for LinkedIn if You’re Not a Great Writer branding marketing prospecting Feb 13, 2024

If you run a business or are in sales, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the value of consistently posting on LinkedIn.

Consistently publishing helpful content on LinkedIn as well as on blogs, videos, social media, and email is essential for attracting your ideal audience and getting them to...

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LinkedIn Groups: Are They Worth Your Time and Effort in 2024? linkedin linkedintips Feb 06, 2024

LinkedIn launched groups in 2005 as a premium add-on. They later opened groups to all members. The first 8-10 years went really well. Groups were engaging, with lots of discussions and helpful advice. 

Joining and participating in niche LinkedIn groups used to be a go-to strategy for growing...

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Founder-Led Sales: A Game Changer for Startups sales Jan 30, 2024

As a founder, you have unique advantages in driving sales due to your deep knowledge of the product vision and ability to convey passion. Harnessing founder-led sales can be a huge differentiator and can accelerate growth for early-stage startups and small SMBs.

Benefits include: 

  • ...
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5 Steps to Effective Follow-Up on LinkedIn Without Being Pushy linkedin linkedintips outbound sales prospecting sales Jan 23, 2024

"She keeps showing up like a bad rash!"

A CMO told us about a sales person who just would not stop pestering him, even after he clearly told her he was not interested in her offer and was not going to schedule time to meet. 

“She just keeps showing up like a bad rash,” he told...

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Unmasking Business Messaging: Shifting to Authentic Engagement human-to-human framework linkedintips prospecting Jan 17, 2024

"Hi [Name], I hope this message finds you well. I came across your profile on LinkedIn and was impressed by your experience in [industry/position]. I'm reaching out because I believe you could benefit from [product/service] at [company]. Would you be open to discussing how we could potentially...

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My $335k Mistake: Lessons on Building an Effective Sales Team sales Oct 09, 2023

I lost over $335,000 before figuring out how to build a sales team.

Back in 2002-2005, I built the sales team for a fintech venture I co-founded. 

I was a complete novice when it came to recruiting and leading a sales team. 

I was pretty good at sales and spent 2 years teaching solution...

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Sales KPIs that Actually Predict Success prospecting Sep 04, 2023

And how to create a 90-day sales plan using these KPIs

Tracking the right sales KPIs (key performance indicators) is essential for knowing whether you’ll meet your sales goals. 

 But most teams focus on the wrong metrics. They obsess over lagging KPIs like closed deals, revenue...

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6 Powerful LinkedIn Profile Tips to Boost Your Personal Branding linkedin profile tips Aug 23, 2023

Introducing Yourself With Impact: Crafting an Optimal LinkedIn Profile

If you work in sales, have a small business, or lead a small or medium business, you need a strong LinkedIn profile. It's a crucial part of your brand. It helps you reach future clients, employees, partners, and...

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