Unmasking Business Messaging: Shifting to Authentic Engagement
Jan 17, 2024
"Hi [Name], I hope this message finds you well. I came across your profile on LinkedIn and was impressed by your experience in [industry/position]. I'm reaching out because I believe you could benefit from [product/service] at [company]. Would you be open to discussing how we could potentially work together?"
See that message template? It's a pitch-slap couched in fake interest. The sender pretends to “be impressed” by the recipient’s background, but fails to mention anything specific. It’s pretty clear to the recipient that the sender is only interested in selling to them.
In many cases, sellers use automation to send messages like this, and can feel so impersonal. Mad-libbing people’s titles and company names tends to create a really awkward message. They seem shoehorned in.
Instead of this insincere expression of interest, take the time to actually look at the prospect’s profile. Find a nugget of information about their background and spotlight it. Make the conversation starter about them instead of about you and your offering.
Here’s how you might start a conversation:
"Hi Sam, I just came across your profile and noticed that you’ve been in the automotive parts industry for a long time. Has focusing on one industry for your last five positions played a big role in your career trajectory?"
So, instead of generic, automated messages, opt for a personalized touch. Let's recap:
đ Research: Dive deep into your recipient’s profile. Find what makes them unique.
đ¤ Personalize: Start conversations based on their specific background.
đ Results: Genuine engagement leads to better connections and business outcomes.
Remember, authenticity is key in business communication. Make your messages count!
Now, go forth and prospect. đ
About the Author: Candyce Edelen is founder of PropelGrowth, where she teaches B2B entrepreneurs and sales professionals to build authentic, human-to-human relationships on LinkedIn. Her strategies have helped clients shift from spammy automation to genuine outreach, resulting in higher-quality leads and increased sales. Candyce is passionate about helping professionals build trust and create a reliable, predictable sales pipeline. She's also a firm believer that you can't automate a relationship.
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