LinkedIn Lead Nurturing Workshop

Nurture leads that aren’t ready to buy

Winning new clients on LinkedIn isn’t the result of blind luck. We know, because we’ve found a way to do it consistently. But not every lead you meet with is ready to buy right away. 

This 1 hour LinkedIn Lead Nurturing Workshop will show you:

✅ A step-by-step roadmap for nurturing those leads over time. 

✅ How to develop posts and blogs that are super relevant to your prospects

✅ How to make sure the right people see your posts.

Using these new tools helps prospects get to know you, trust you, and REMEMBER you so they reach out to you when they’re ready to buy.

This 1-hour workshop is available for 90 days on demand and is ready to view immediately. 

What People Are Saying:

You’re on the cutting edge of outreach. I knew it the moment I dove into your posts. Happy to include this as another facet of my approach. Thanks Candyce Edelen


Thank you for your presentation Candyce! The information you shared is so helpful in building meaningful human-to-human business connections. So much more effective than any other LinkedIn technique I've seen.


$56.00 USD